
Oriancci takes a convention over configuration approach.

Naming convention

Tables are identified by the full namespace of the class.

class Car extends Oriancci\Model
    // Table name: car

When a class uses a namespace, slashes are replaced with underscores.

namespace Company\Accounting;
class Car extends Oriancci\Model
    // Table name: company_accounting_car

Overriding conventions

Your can provide alternative tables for models by overriding the Model::tableName() method:

namespace Company\Accounting;
class Car extends Oriancci\Model
    public static function tableName()
        return 'car';

By default, database names are not referenced in each individual query. If you are using multiple database but would only like to use one connection, you can override a model’s database name using the Model::databaseName() static override.

namespace Company\Accounting;
class Car extends Oriancci\Model
    public static function databaseName()
        return 'accounting';

    public static function tableName()
        return 'car';