

Create a new instance by instantiating the model.

$user = new User;

You can pass through values as an array to pre-populate the object

$user = new User([
    'firstName' => 'John',
    'lastName'  => 'Doe',
    'email'     => '',
    'gender'    => 'M',
    'birthday'  => '1980-07-01'


The method Model->save() can be used save the data to the database. The method will return true or false depending on whether the save was successful.

In this instance, as this is a new object it will be created with an SQL INSERT statement.

$user = new User;
$user->firstName = 'John';
$user->lastName  = 'Doe';

This example shows how to update an existing model.

$user = User::get(1);
$user->email = '';


Models can be deleted from the database using the Model->delete() method.

$user = User::get(1);

Bulk update/delete

You can update and delete a bulk amount of information using the Model::deleteAll() and Model::updateAll() static methods. Keep in mind, running these methods will not dispatch events. Both methods return the number of affected rows.

User::deleteAll([WHERE => 'firstName = ?'], ['John']);
User::updateAll([SET => 'firstName = ?', WHERE => 'firstName = ?'], ['Jonathan', 'John']);